AHIC Agent Survey Form

Thank you for your ongoing support to AHIC, the AHIC is continuously seeking to improve its services in all the departments.
We would like to invite you to answer the following questions so that we can gain your perspective on the effectiveness of our organization.

Date :


Does AHIC’s marketing team provide friendly and efficient service?

What level of satisfaction do you get from AHIC marketing in providing your needs?

Where does your market position AHIC as a College?

Administration and Accounts

Are you satisfied with the quality of AHIC’s administration and accounts services?

To what extent?

Are you satisfied with the turnaround time for CEO’s and Letters of Offer?

Have you had to have an offer letter or COE reissued?

Why did the COE or Letter of Offer need to be reissued?

How long does it take you to get commission payments upon presentation of correct invoices?


Does AHIC’s Academic team provide friendly and efficient service?

If not, what were the difficulties?

Course Delivery

Please provide feedback in relation to our courses.

Subject Excellent Good Fair Poor
Information Technology
Ageing Support
Individual Support
Community Services
Leadership and Management
Project Management